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3 Ways to Delight a Woman on International Women’s Day

It's almost International Women's Day! We celebrate it every year on the 8th of March, and it's a day dedicated to women's struggle to gain equal opportunity in society while celebrating their independence and assertiveness.
International Women's Day is the perfect opportunity to show that special person in your life that you care about her. We put together this list of three ideas to help you out.

Tell Her You Appreciate Her

When was the last time you told the special woman in your life that you appreciated her? How did you do it? Was it a simple kiss in the morning as she went out the door to work? Or maybe you called her during the day to tell her how much you love her.

Use the opportunity to express your love and appreciation for her. Start the day by giving her a personalized card and sending her some flowers at work. Don't just talk about her appearance. Tell her what she means to you emotionally.
Point out her best characteristics that you admire and appreciate and how she makes you proud when you see her step out of her comfort zone. Showing her that you value her personality and character gives her a boost of self-confidence and shows her you care.

Encourage Personal Development

International Women's Day is all about women's empowerment. Ask the special someone in your life what they want to do to grow themselves this year? Is there a workshop or seminar they want to go to? Or maybe there's a book by a top-class author they've been meaning to buy?
Look at what the lady in your life wants to achieve with her time and career, and get her a gift of improvement. Remember, don't think about what you think they should improve on. Go with what they want to improve in their life.
Self-improvement and empowerment are powerful tools to help a woman achieve her goals in life. By encouraging this side of her, you show her you care about her success and achievements in life. Your thoughtful action motivates her, and she appreciates your taking her interests to heart.

By Her Some Fine Jewelry to Express Your Love

If you want to take your celebration of the special woman in your life to the next level, get her some jewelry. We're not talking about something cheap and tacky – put some thought into it. If you've never bought jewelry for a woman, take a trip to the local jeweler, or browse online.
Check out what they have on offer and get some advice on the right piece to give that special someone in your life without blowing your budget. There's classy jewelry available at any price point. You just have to search for it.
A jeweler offers free advice on what to pick, and you don't even have to buy it from their store. You could search for it online and find the same piece at a better price. Online retailers have lower overheads than retail stores, allowing them to offer better prices for the same pieces.

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